Dainty Bouquet
Dainty Bouquet
A petite bouquet filled with gorgeous blooms! Perfect for a simple bridal bouquet, bridesmaids, a maid of honor, or any VIP in your wedding party. This bouquet is hand tied and finished with romantic chiffon ribbon in a coordinating color.
Select your preferred flower color palette, or choose "Custom Palette" and leave your color preference in a note during checkout.
*Flowers vary based on seasonal availability. Orders must be placed at least 1 week prior to event date. For custom colors or specific flower requests, please order at least 3 weeks ahead of your event.
How to Order
Thanks so much for shopping with us! We want to make this as simple and smooth as possible.
If you are local to the Baxter area, place your order online and select "PICK UP" at checkout. Orders are typically ready within 24 hours.
Want your order delivered? No problem!
- Select "SHIP" at checkout
- Enter the address you would like your order delivered to in the Shipping Address
- Select "LOCAL DELIVERY". You can then enter any special instructions and what you would like us to put on your card in the "delivery instructions" section!
If you have any questions, give us a call at (931) 858-4414 or email us at hello@baxterflowers.com